Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In the immortal words of Porkins: "Almost... there!"

It's taken a few more weeks (OK, fine, months) than I expected, but after many late nights reviewing every single frame of animation, I've officially locked picture on ARTICLES OF WAR. 

Now that I've finished my tweaks (I swear, on this movie, I've pretty much tweaked my tweaks), the film is now in the hands of brilliant sound designer Joe Pleiman. He's already assembled an amazing collection of of sound effects, but needs just a couple of short weeks to put in his finishing touches (including some new airplane ambience, which he recorded when he heard the unique tone of the air exchangers encased in the underground garage beneath the Main House at Skywalker Ranch... how cool is that?)

Next stop: The final mix, when we blend Ryan Shore's score, Joe's sound effects, and actor Clay Adam's performance into something that's gonna sound amazing. I can't wait. Post-production is by far my favorite part of moviemaking...

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