Friday, November 9, 2007


If you're new to the site and looking for the trailer for ARTICLES OF WAR, it's located in the "Downloads" section of the site - there's always that pretty navigation bar up top, but let's face it, "navigation bars" are so late-90s, right?

OK, just 'cause it's 2007 and I'm all about saving a couple of seconds, here's some helpful shortcuts:

ARTICLES OF WAR trailer - Quicktime

ARTICLES OF WAR trailer - YouTube

(The director in me begs you to watch using Quicktime, but Oprah just devoted an entire show to YouTube, so I guess that's what the kids like these days...)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

ADR session

This summer, I visited the famed New York recording facility Sound One, and watched the engineers in Studio K set up what looked like the world's most expensive microphone in front of Clay Adams. He's the talented actor I cast in the role of "Jim," the narrator of ARTICLES OF WAR. I had a blast directing Clay - he's a close friend who I've known for years, and it was a thrill to see ARTICLES OF WAR projected for the first time (we did a bunch of takes where Clay performed in front of the finished animation).

Sound One is a fun place for a filmmaker to work - the hallways are plastered with Scorsese posters (which always have the best voiceovers, something I took as a good omen). After I thanked the engineers for running such a smooth operation, they told me it was no problem. "When Marty's in town," they explained, "we're here the entire summer."

That's awesome.

Of course, I could only afford an afternoon, but it was worth it - Clay really delivered a great performance. I'll be returning to Sound One later this year to mix the film - next time, I gotta get a photo of the engineering booth... it's got more buttons than Sulu's station on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

She'll drink you under the table

I'm not much for autographs, but I confess I do have one - just one - hanging up on my wall. It's a signed picture of Karen Allen as "Marion Ravenwood" from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.

And today, I learned she's in the new INDIANA JONES movie. Man, this is cool.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New feature!

I just added a brand new production feature on the site, "Don Allen's Nose Art," detailing the development of one of the key pieces of artwork in ARTICLES OF WAR - the nose art of the Dakota Zephyr, the B-24 featured in the film.

Although the Dakota Zephyr is a fictional plane, I based her nose art on "Ill Wind?," an actual design created in 1943 by Don Allen, a veteran from the 4th Fighter Group, 334th Fighter Squadron, 8th Air Force.

But hey, enough spoilers...

Don Allen's Nose Art

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Even further into the 21st Century

A few more links to check out - nothing earth shattering, but if you're wondering about what some of my favorite films are or what I like to read, I've now got homes on both MySpace and YouTube.

For the record, yeah, my fingers are tired from typing out factoids about myself, but I'm sure I'll forget all about it once I start adding YOU as a "friend"!

Daniel M. Kanemoto on MySpace

ARTICLES OF WAR trailer on YouTube

Of course, if you're looking for a hi-def version of the ARTICLES trailer, just click on the "Downloads" button from the menu above!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

From one great showrunner to another...

Ron Moore, one of my favorite showrunners (he was an influental writer-producer for DEEP SPACE NINE, the best of all the STAR TREKs, and is currently working on the final season of the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA remake) recently wrote a lengthy post about David Chase, creator of THE SOPRANOS (and, I suppose, another one of my favorite showrunners).

Moore feels exactly the way I do about the last five minutes of THE SOPRANOS, one of the best series finales of all time. I've reposted his intro below, and it's worth heading over to his blog to read the rest:

June 11, 2007
The Sopranos Ends Perfectly

I will never forget the moment.

Terry and I sitting up in bed, in shock, the single word, "What?!" bursting loose from both our lips as black filled our TV screen and we briefly wondered if the cats had bumped the TiVo at the worst possible moment and destroyed the payoff to one of the most tension-filled moments of television we'd ever experienced. Then, the credits rolled by in silence and there was an exhalation of shock and amazement.

What had David Chase done? Oh my God, hit the jump back button and watch it again.

Yep, that's it. He really did it. The man has guts. No, that's not enough. The man has balls the size of Volkswagens.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Nope, the title of this post doesn't refer to the fact that ARTICLES OF WAR is an "independent" film...

...instead, this is just me nerding out. I mean, yesterday was the first day of production on the new Indiana Jones movie. I gotta pay my respects. If it weren't for characters like Indy, I wouldn't be making movies.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I've always been more of a lurker than an active participant when it comes to the Internet, but since I'm launching, my fancy new website today, it's time to get on the bandwagon (bandwidth?) in a mighty big way.

Why the sudden change-of-heart? Well, let's face it - I've got a new movie to plug! The film is called ARTICLES OF WAR: THE LIBERATOR, I've been working on it for what feels like forever, and now that I'm finally in post-production, I figure it'll be OK to take just a tiny peek behind the curtain.

Click around, learn about the movie, and don't be shy about letting me know what you think!